24 Aug 2014

There will be a fete planning meeting on Wednesday 10th September at 7.00pm in the school staff room and I would like to invite anyone involved in the planning of the fete, including our class stall coordinators to come along and discuss the planning for this event.
At the meeting we will be discussing equipment requirement, stall set up, location, cash office process, bump in(arrival) and bump out (departing) logistics and any other assistance you may require to ensure this is a successful event for the school and our fundraising.
The fete meeting will be held in the school library and I would love for as many people to come along.
If you are stall coordinator and unable to come along this evening, I completely understand but please let me know if you need me to supply any equipment or guidance when you have the time. I can supply trestle tables, chairs, umbrellas, market stalls and links to useful websites to purchase equipment.
Final equipment lists must be submitted to me by 1st October at the latest.
I hope to see as many of you as possible at this event and thank you all for your efforts in ensuring that the Brisbania Spring fete is a successful and fun day.
Many thanks,
Andrea Young
Brisbania P&C Fete Coordinator