Brisbania Public School

Believe, Persevere, Succeed

Telephone02 4369 1246

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is managed by the P & C for the convenience of parents and families. A small team of Parent Volunteers run the shop on Friday mornings (during school term) from 8:30am – 9:15am on a roster system.

Uniforms can also be ordered by completing the order form below and returning it, with payment, to the school office.

Alternatively, you can order and pay online via "Flexi-schools" website.  In either case, you can purchase Uniform Shop items without having to visit the Uniform Shop!   

Here's how:

Login or register to your Flexischools 

Flexischools accepts payment via Credit Card, Paypal or Direct Deposit.

Once logged in:

  • Select which of your children the order is for
  • Select the Uniform Shop icon
  • Select the items and sizes you need
  • Follow the prompts to pay and complete the order

NOTE: Only once you receive a confirmation number onscreen and an order confirmation via email then your order has been processed and paid in the system. If you don't receive an email or confirmation number your order still needs finalising

Follow the onscreen directions to complete the process.

Cut off for delivery on Friday is Thursday, 4.50pm. Orders after the cutoff will be processed the following Friday week due to the systems setup.  Once the order is received, it will be made up on Friday (8:30-9:15) and delivered to your child's class, generally, on the Friday. If the child is absent that day, the order would be available in the office to collect. Please call the office to confirm.

Any queries can be directed to:

Uniform Shop Co-ordinator, Caitlin Richards 0416 207 330.



Uniform Shop Price List November 2024