24 Mar 2015
This year students from Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be participating in an Easter Hat Parade. The Parade will be on Thursday 2nd April 2015 – last day of Term 1. Students are asked to create their Easter hat/bonnet at home with your help. The hats should NOT be a challenge or expensive to make – a child-centred approach is perfect. Some easy ideas are below and some websites for help.
Please ensure that your child can wear their hat comfortably – we want the parade to be as enjoyable as possible for every child.
Parents and friends are invited to the COLA to watch our Easter Hat Parade. The Parade will begin at 11.30am and conclude by approximately 12:15pm. You are welcome to take your child home at the conclusion of the parade.
We hope to see you there to enjoy the K-2 creations!