09 Oct 2011

Brisbania Public School – Friday 2nd September 2011
The children and teachers at Brisbania would like to invite you to our annual Father's Day event for 2011. To begin the morning we will be serving sausage sandwiches for Dads and kids.
There will be tea/coffee for the adults.
Time: 7.30 – 8.50am
Cost: $2 per sausage sandwich for Dads and students
Venue: COLA
**Please pre order to help with our catering. Please fill in the slip below and return this to class teacher's with money by Friday 26th August
At 8.20 all dads are invited into the classrooms.
At 8.50 we will all meet back in the COLA for the drawing of the raffle that the
P&C will be holding.
There are terrific prizes so make sure you buy your tickets during the breakfast.
Sausage Sandwich Pre Order
Childs Name: ____________________________________ Class: _________________
Number of orders ________ at $2 an order. Amount enclosed: $ _____