25 Nov 2011

Transport NSW requires a new application from for free travel from students who are progressing from Year 2 to Year 3 in 2012.
The school office has sent home new bus pass applications to Year 3 families that are still eligible for free travel in 2012.
Eligibility for a free bus pass is as follows:
- An infant student (K-2) regardless of the distance between their home and school
- Primary student (Years 3 - 6) who lives more than 1.6kms (radial distance) from school, or 2.3kms or more by the most direct practical walking route to the nearest entry point to the school.
- If your child is moving into Year 3 in 2012 they may no longer be eligible for a free bus pass due to their proximity to the school. In this case you may need to pay a fair for them to travel on the bus.
- A term bus pass can be purchased from Busways. Students must show their pass or pay the bus fare everytime they get on the bus. Please contact Busways head office on 9497 1861 if you have any questions.
The following website has more information regarding passes: