25 Jul 2016

Coding, in the simplest of terms, is telling a computer what you want it to do, which involves typing in step-by-step commands for the computer to follow.
Computers are not clever things, however they are very obedient. They will do exactly what you want them to do, so long as you tell them how to do it correctly.
Learning to code has been likened to learning a foreign language, or perhaps more specifically a family of foreign languages.
There are many different coding languages, each one designed with certain things in mind. Examples include C, a 'low level' but fast programming language that is good for anything graphically intensive like games; JavaScript, which was specifically designed for dealing with web content; and Perl, a multi-functional language that is often referred to as the 'swiss army knife' of programming.
Game Training (Unity) Coding
We had Game Training out last Friday to demonstrate to students what can be achieved through coding. This was a taster for children. If you would like your child involved in a more hands on lesson Game Training, they will be back at Brisbania on 16th August 9-11am for training sessions.
Cost: $45- please make payments out to Brisbania Public School, payments can be made using cash, cheque or the online system.