FANTASTIC SPORT NEWS JET YETT Jet Yee recently competed in Abu Dhabi in the World Youth Jiu Jitsu Championships. Jet had a fantiastic result of bring home the Gold Medal and the title of World Champion. He had 2 very tough matches but won both by submission. Jet is now the World Junior Champion!!
NICOLE DUNCAN Over the last week Nicole Duncan competed at the BMX national Championships in Brisbane. It was an exciting week of racing. Nicole Came second in 2 of her motos, wining her semi-final with the fastest time for 11 year old girls in the country.
One of the girls is ranked number 2 in the world. After flying gate start sadly Nicole took a stack coming down the start hill. She picked herself up and finished the race coming 7th. Nicole has qualified for the Australian team set to compete against the New Zealanders.
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