Our library strives to provide:
- learning, social and recreational resources of all formats for students, teachers and parents.
- a teaching and learning environment that stimulates interest and enthusiasm for learning, including the development of information literacy.
- a variety of learning opportunities according to class, group or individual needs.
The highest priority of Brisbania Public School Library is to serve its users.
Each class at the school has a library session each week and every student that has a library bag is provided with the opportunity to borrow during this time. Students may borrow as often as they wish if they are keen readers but must return books before new ones are loaned.
Children from Kindergarten, Year 1 & Year 2 may borrow one book at a time and those who are in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 may borrow two books at a time.
Reading tips to make children a life-long reader:
- enjoy reading stories with your child from an early age.
- visit libraries and bookshops with your child.
- short stories and poetry are perfect for short attention spans.
- let your child see you enjoy reading at home.
- make sure there is a quiet atmosphere available for reading.
- talk about what you read.
- allow children to select their own books- use age suggestions as a guideline only.
- magazines can be a source of high interest for reluctant readers.
The library has laptop computers where the internet can be accessed by all students when they are researching, locating and presenting information. These learned skills are then integrated across the curriculum and incorporated into classroom programs.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Paul Lemmon