Brisbania Public School

Believe, Persevere, Succeed

Telephone02 4369 1246

Cross Country - Wednesday 7th May

All students in Year 3 to Year 6 and students in Year 2 turning 8 this year will be attending our school cross country carnival on Wednesday, 7th May.
Children will walk from school to the Davistown waterfront where th...e carnival is to be held under the supervision of their class teacher and support staff. They will cross Davistown Road at the pedestrian refuge. The carnival will commence at approximately 12.15pm.
Children need to wear sunscreen and hat, bring their lunch with them and a suitable drink (water is advisable). Sports uniform is to be worn with appropriate house colours and appropriate running shoes.
Any medication/asthma puffers that are not already at the school office should be given to their class teacher in the morning.
Parents, relatives and friends are most welcome to come along and cheer the children along. Please make sure that you have completed, signed and returned the permission note to your class teacher.
Students will be back at school at approx 2:30pm.
Cross Country 2014 (pdf 152 KB)