Brisbania Public School

Believe, Persevere, Succeed

Telephone02 4369 1246


Book Week & Parade (pdf, 775 KB)

As in previous years we will be holding a book week character parade to celebrate the joy books bring to our lives.

Students will be able to dress up as their favourite book character for the day. After recess the whole school will meet under the COLA to show off their costumes. Families are most welcome to come along to view the parade.

Costumes don't need to be elaborate – in past years simple costumes have often been the stand out.

Please consider safety and comfort in creating outfits. Appropriate footwear is a must.

Please avoid things like swords that can lead to difficulties.




Date:    Wednesday 25th August, 2010

Time:   11.20 to 12.00 approx.

Place:  In the COLA


Do the children come dressed in their costumes?  Yes, or you could come in at recess time to dress them.

Who can come? Parents, grandparents or anyone else important to your child are most welcome at the school for the Book Parade.

Is there anything on afterwards?  Yes, there is a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library where children and parents can purchase books.

What is NOT ALLOWED as part of a ‘dress – up' costume?  Children are not allowed to have guns, knives or any other weapon as part of their costume. They also cannot have skate boards, scooters or rollerblades as part of their costume.