Brisbania Public School

Believe, Persevere, Succeed

Telephone02 4369 1246

Human Swine Flu Information


Human Swine Flu Information Sheet

This year it is likely many more people will come down with flu-like illnesses than in

recent flu seasons because few people have immunity to the human swine flu virus.

As the number of cases of flu increases, we all need to take steps to minimise the

transmission of the virus in school communities as some staff and students are at

greater risk of severe illness from flu.

Staff or students who become unwell should stay away from school until they are well to

minimise the transmission of the flu.

Any student who identifies that they are unwell, or is displaying flu-like symptoms at

school will be sent to a sick-bay area and their parent or carer will be called to take them


Please watch carefully for any signs or symptoms of flu-like illness in your child. If they

are unwell please do not send them to school until their symptoms have gone.

These symptoms include fever, cough, tiredness, muscle aches, sore throat, chills or

shortness of breath.

Some people are more likely to develop severe illness from both seasonal influenza and

swine flu. NSW Health advises that this group includes people who:

¿ Are pregnant (particularly in the second and third trimester)

¿ Have chronic lung disease (including asthma)

¿ Are very obese

¿ Have chronic heart conditions

¿ Have chronic kidney disease

¿ Have chronic liver disease

¿ Have blood disorders (including sickle cell disease)

¿ Have neurological disorders

¿ Have metabolic disorders (such as diabetes)

¿ Have weakened or suppressed immune systems (which may be caused by

cancers, medications or HIV/AIDS)

¿ Are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background (of any age).

If you or your child is in one of these categories, please seek urgent medical attention as

soon as symptoms of flu appear because you may need anti-influenza medication and it

works best if given early.

The department has policies in place to support schools this flu season. I can assure you

that the department will continue to act on all advice received from NSW Health to

ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and students.

Additional health information is available from the H1N1 Influenza 09 section of the

NSW Health website at:

27 July 2009