14 Jan 2014

Happy New Year to all our families and our new families that will be joining us in 2014.
We hope that you have had a very relaxing, family orientated, fun-filled and enjoyable holiday.
For parents that need to purchase uniforms, our P & C Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday 28th January from 8:30am - 9:30am.
Any new families that have moved into our area over the Christmas holidays and wish to enrol their child/children, our lovely office staff will be available also on Tuesday 28th January 2014 from 8:15am - 3:00pm to assist you.
If you bring with you your child's birth certificate, current immunisation and proof of your residence in area this will help with enrolment.
Hopefully during the holidays our new Kindergarten children received their letters stating their start day and time. If for some reason you did not get this letter, please ring the school office on Tuesday 28th January and our office staff will let you know details.
Enjoy these last 2 weeks with your children and we look forward to seeing our beautiful Year 1 - Year 6 students on Wednesday 29th January 2014.