Brisbania Public School

Believe, Persevere, Succeed

Telephone02 4369 1246


The carnival will be held at Mingara Athletics Centre on Thursday 26th August and Friday 27th August, 2010.


We will travel to and from Mingara Athletics Centre by private vehicle.  Any parents who can assist with transport on either day, your help would be greatly appreciated.  If you can assist please speak to Mrs Collins or Mr Anderson. Drivers need a current drivers licence and comprehensive car insurance.


An admission fee to Mingara Athletics Centre will be required by each child, to the amount of $4.00. The children will keep this with them and pay as we go through the gate.  Do not give it to the children to give to their class teacher. Parents, siblings and friends will need to pay $1 each entry and preschool children are free.  Programs will be available on the day.


Students may leave Mingara Athletics Centre with their parents, provided you see the Team Manager at the ground first.  Students may not leave with a friend's parent unless a signed note is provided.


Students will be required to wear school shorts/skirts (black or green) as well as provide suitable footwear, warm clothing, hat and sunscreen.  All equipment should be labelled. 

A canteen facility and BBQ will be available at the carnival; otherwise students need to bring their lunch, recess and drinks.


Children need to be on the netball court to leave school at 8.30am.